This is what I look like.

This is what I look like.
(I am the person, not the buildings.)


Prepare for the Worst.

New font.

I'm going to try to sleep more regular hours from now on. At least on weekdays and weeknights, I'm no longer going to be a vampire. This is going to be a pretty big shock to my system, because for the last six years, even when I've worked early in the morning, I've generally stayed up till at least 2 or 3.

What do I do at these ridiculous hours, you might ask? Generally I use the time that the rest of the world is asleep to watch movies and write, because it's quiet. Sometimes I read (which I need to do more often still). It turns out that my roommates aren't really home in the morning/afternoon very often, so I'll probably use that time for these things. I'll try it for at least a year, and if I don't like it, I'll return to my vampirical ways.

In other news, work on Nixon Vs. Dracula is going somewhat well. Hoping to start shooting by the end of February.

Also, hoping for more open mic nights next week.



Apparently I Lied.

I haven't done so good on the whole "I'll write in here twice a week" thing, seeing as y'all have gone a week without nothing. Tomorrow we're playing another open mic night and Sundance plans should be somewhat finalized. Hooah!

Also, Gone With The Wind is a brutal, boring, miserable movie. Sorry, world.


new years resolutions

- exercise every day
-read one book every two weeks
-finish two short films and one screenplay
-watch all of AFI's top movies
-be better at french and german
-become a better cook
-learn 15-20 new songs on the piano to 95% accuracy
-update this at least twice a week
-save money for chicago