This is what I look like.

This is what I look like.
(I am the person, not the buildings.)


Why Zombies are Better Than People And Will Destroy Us:

All they do is Kill! The people they Kill... get up and Kill!

That is all.

Third Time's the Charm

So I've decided to try this whole "blog" thing out again, and this time maybe try to take it seriously. That means less insane ramblings, more amusing and poignant observations about life and shenanigans that I find myself in. As if there was a way for me to separate the two.

But the creating of the blog page in itself has posed itself as a tremendous challenge. For instance, what should I name it? Obviously, I've settled on "Shouts Into The Abyss" which not only sounds like a really depressing name for a Native American (Indian?) but also describes what this blog will likely turn into. Other names that made the short list: "We're Not Having Any Fun," "I Want To Be Your New Best Friend," "Burn My House Down," and "'How I Met Your Mother' Fan." The last one is pretty self-explanatory, and the other three are random phrases that I inadvertently typed out whilst enraged one day.

Okay, so the title's out of the way. What should I do for a layout? There's not a lot of options, so why not this really boring, non-descript one? Sure. Ok. Moving on.


Do I want widgets? Or do I want this uncluttered and streamlined for maximum people-not-reading-this? Sure. I want widgets. What are the options, at least? Ooh, they've got one that's just sexy girls washing a car. Tempting. Virtual Stripper. That's probably something I'd want to have for a first impression especially. Something that converts units of measurement. Sure. That sounds like fun. Deep down, the only one I know for sure that I'll pick is the one with the music playlist because I'm a music nerd. But what to narrow it down to? Why not everything? Should I do songs with lots of curses in them? Probably not. Is that "Goodbye Horses" song from The Silence of the Lambs too creepy to use? Naah. I'm using it anyway.

I'm tired now. Hopefully I remember to keep this up.